Wednesday 25 March 2015

Life is easier with sun and skirts ♥


konečne bolo ráno viac ako 9 stupňov, tak som to využila/zneužila vo svoj prospech a to oblečením sukne. Jój ako mi bolo dobre dnes. Verte či neverte, sukne je to najpolodlnejšie oblečenie. Jediná ich nevýhoda je to, že si treba dávať pozor na vetrisko (ja som si to neskoro uvedomila).
Inak sa mám dobre. Slniečo mi prospieva na psychiku. Aj vám? Akoby všetok stres z maturít opadol a všetko bude v poriadku. Len nech nezačne pršať, to zase bude únava ..
Dnes mám oblečenú sukňu, ktorú ste mohli vidieť v tomto príspevku (secondhand), no dnes som sa rozhodla trochu oživiť farebne a zkombinovala s tričkom a bundou tiež sekáču. Dúfam, že sa vám páči kombinácia :)


finally was the temperature in the morning higher than 9`, so I prosper from it by putting on a skirt. Yay, it was so nice today. Trust me or not, skirts are probably my favorite clothing. Only one drawback is its reaction to the strong wind (I realized it too late today).
Otherwise, I am doing great. The sun helps my psychic. Does it to you? Like all the stress from Maturita has fallen out, and everything will be fine. I hope it won't rain, I will be so tired ..
Today I am wearing a skirt you could have seen in this post (secondhand), but today I decided to combine it with something more colorful, a shirt and jacket from secondhand. I hope you enjoy my #ootd

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