Monday, 30 March 2015

Black n' white


I guess you have noticed the 'all black' mania. I went to the theater today, and even thou I don't usually go with the flow (at least I fee like), I put this outfit on just because I love the simplicity of it and it was super comfy (I had to run for bus, so I really appreciated sneakers today! ♥). 
But it was so funny day! I was supposed to meet my school classmates at the from of the theater, but because of me, I was waiting in front of an another one! I must remind, in Bratislava there are many theaters. haha It was funny after all, I came only for the part after the break. 
I am wearing skirt, shirt, bag- secondhand, shoes- ?
Enjoy! ♥


Typujem, že ste si už všimli 'all black' mániu. Išla som dnes do divadla, a aj keď väčšinou nechodím s davom (aspoň nemám taký pocit), dala som ti tento outfit, lebo zbožňujem tú jednoduchosť a pohodlnosť (dnes som bežala na autobus, takže som veľmi ocenila topánky! ♥).
Ale bol dnes veľmi vtipný deň! Mala som sa stretnúť s mojími spolužiakmi pred divadlom, ale pretože som to ja, som čakala pred iným! Treba však dodať, že v Bratislave je veľa divadiel ... hahaha. Aspoň som sa nasmiala, do divadla som prišla až na druhú časť, teda po prestávke.
Oblečené mám sukňu, tričko, taška- sekáč, topánky- ?
Vychutnajte si ootd! ♥


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