Friday, 1 May 2015
Nothing without love
how are you today, my dear reader? :)
If you ask me, I am doing great! I love dressing up for any event, today I stayed at home, so I thought that I won't post, but we decided to go to church, so here is my outfit! I loved combining red and black and Slovakia shirt! So many memories tie with this shirt. I wore it when I flew to USA for my exchange, how I didn't understand at the passport check at the Atlanta airport and I had to wait for almost hour until they checked my documents hahaha. I was so different back then, but I guess it belongs with different age. I am not the same person I was in my 15. And fashion is something I found myself in, because I can show my (I hope) creativity. I never wanted to be a part of a crowd you can see here my first fashion post, where I wrote that I want to stand out. I haven't change my mind since then. I believe my idea of being different rapidly has changed. Hopefully in better way.
I just looked at my first posts, I am so proud of myself where I am now. I have never made this blog for earning money, or doing ads for companies, I started as I wanted to become someone different, to grow up, and if you find some time and read through my all posts, you'll find the differences.
So fulfill the name of my blog, I want to write down few of my ideas about the name of this post. I was inspired by song by Nate Ruess- Nothing without love, but I don't want to continue my essay in his song's lyrics.
I want to continue my essay in my way. First of all we need to define the word "love". However I am trying to, I always get the same equation, love= God. For someone love is when they love someone, or someone loves them. I agree with this, but I believe we are able to love someone only because it is a God's gift to us. And what do you do with a gift you get? Do you throw it away? Give it to someone else? Put it on self and never use it? No, that is not something you do with a gift. Me personally, I love giving gifts and I am pleased when I see people using my present properly. We shouldn't be selfish and we should show how we are able to use the great gift of God.
I have love in myself, each is different. First and the most important is love to God, them to my family and my friends. To them, because of what they do for me. Next love is love to my country- Slovakia. I am proud to be Slovak. It's because this country has so much to offer and I never want to life somewhere else for ever. That is the reason of me wearing today that shirt you can see. And I am trying to give my love to everyone. Sometimes you can say it is not true. But all you can see is the outside. What is inside can only God and me see. Remember, don't judge others so you won't be judged for yourself.
Aby som naplnila názov môjho blogu (Just my thought on life- Moje myšlienky o živote). Názov príspevku som dala, pretože si to myslím, síce som sa inšpirovala piesňou od Nate Ruess- Nothing without love, ale nepokračujem v mojich myšlienkach so slovami jeho piesne.
Chcem pokračovať svojm smerom. Treba si definovať ako prvé, čo to vlastne láska je. Nech sa snažím ako chcem, vždy mi vyjde len táto rovnica; láska= Boh. Pre niekoho láska je, to že má niekoho rád/a, alebo to že am ho niekto rád/a. Ja s tým súhlasim, no verím, že to že sme schopní milovať je dar od Boha. A čo robíš keď dostaneš dar? Vyhodíš ho? Daruješ ho ďalej? Položíš na poličku a nikdy nepoužiješ? Nie, to nie je to čo sa s darom robí, dar sa rozbalí a použije podľa toho na čo je určený. Najlepšie je keď sa dar rozvíja. Ja osobne rada dávam darčeky a keď vidím, že niekto ten môj dar aj využíva ako má, no je to super pocit a napĺňa ma to. Nebuďme sebeckí, ukážme čo máme a ako sme schopní ten dar lásky využiť a rozviť.
Ja mám v sebe lásku. Dalo by sa povedať, že rôznu. Prvá a tá najhlavnejšia láska je k Bohu, potom k mojej rodine. K nim preto, čo všetko pre mňa robia. Ďalej to je Slovensko. Som hrdá na to, že som slovenka, lebo táto krajina má toho tak veľa čo poskytnúť a nikdy nechcem natrvalo opustiť moje rodisko. A preto aj dnes to tričko, ktoré môžete vidieť na fotkách. A svoju lásku sa snažím dávať ďalej, nie vždy to vidno, niekedy pravdepodobne pôsobím ako úplny opak, ale nech navonok je to akékoľvek, vnútro moje pozná iba Boh a ja. Nesúď aby si nebol súdený! Pamätaj.
So back to my today's outfit, wearing coat- second hand, shoes- Deichmann, pants- F&F, shirt- I don't know, it was my sisters (that shirt traveled in USA twice hahaha)
I have more photos than I am used to, but hopefully you enjoyed them!
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