Wednesday 13 September 2017

on my way to find myself #6; Kyoto

I bought the JR pass for one week, so I had exactly 7days to explore Japan in its beauty and diversity. Since I am crazy about going to as many places as possible, also because of quite a high price of the pass (29000yen), I have decided to sleep each night in a different city, one day one city!
So my itinerary was: Kyoto- Osaka- Hiroshima- Fukuoka- Sendai- Morioka (6nights)

Maybe you are asking if it was stressful or exhausting. No. It was actually exciting and joyful!
I had one small backpack with me, camera, good shoes, passport and the JR pass.
I think I found myself in these days, wandering around, meeting people, eating a variety of local foods, getting lost in the beauty of cities and just being on the road.

for an image how 'big' was my bag :) 

Fushimi Inari-taisha

Kyoto city exploring ↓

I could post more trust me haha
I really hope you enjoy


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